July 2021
Samira Vogel, Anna Celda, Siwar Kraitem
In this workshop different aspects of our relationship to food were explored. From exchanging recipes to preserving vegetables, discovering local food production, different fermentation processes and baking sourdough bread; in this week the group build connections to one another and their surroundings. Everyday they ended with a meal together.
This workshop proposed a grounded view on food that reclaims traditional and popular food cultures. Participants learned about different food cultures and recipes and created an atmosphere of sharing, learning and experiencing through their culinary journeys. Techniques were shared to preserve certain foods, bind their own recipe book and in the end everyone got a piece of kefir starter, sourdough starter and a kombucha scoby in order to ferment own foods and drinks at home…
A collaboration between Ola Allaf, Anna Celda, Sadiqeh Eftekhhari Danesh, Fiyori Estinfanos Dawit, Bascam Hatice, Siwar Kraitem, Samira Vogel, A Gadder Museum, Belvaux